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  5. What Should I Expect As An Actor?
  6. How To Memorize Lines
  7. Scams
  8. Acting Classes And Camps
  9. The Language Of Acting
  10. How And When Did Acting Begin? Who Was Thespis? Why Was He Important?




Scammers want your money and they want it now.

Let me repeat that. Scammers want your money and they want it now.

Your money is their primary concern. Scammers can be very persuasive because they prey on your dreams of success! They will do and say whatever they can to get you to pay them money - right away.

They will lie. They will lie. They will lie. They will tell you everything you want to hear. But it will all be lies. What they want is your money. They do not care about you. They want your money.


There are a lot of scams and scammers out there. If something doesn't seem right - it's probably not. If things seem too good to be true - they're probably not true.

You have lost nothing by walking away from a questionable situation. You have gained nothing by being represented by an incompetent, lazy, unqualified agent. You will lose a lot by being represented by an incompetent, lazy, unqualified agent.

Take your time finding an agent. It is not a desperate act by a desperate actor. It is a business decision and a life decision. It is your future career and earnings. It is your time and energy. These things are valuable. Too valuable to waste on someone trying to pressure you into a bad deal. Too valuable to waste on careless judgement. Take time to think about an offer. Don't be pressured to sign anything until you have walked away for a while and thought about it.

What should you do if you are confronted by one of the above situations? Stop dealing with that person and company. IMMEDIATELY!!! Leave. Grab your checkbook, credit card, wallet or purse and get out!!!

BEWARE! Scam artists and dangerous people place fake ads for models and actors on-line and in local media. Such nasty people are seeking naive, unsuspecting victims to take money from, sexually molest or even do bodily harm to. (YES THIS HAPPENS!!! BELIEVE IT!)

Teen Vogue Model Scam

Model/Talent Search Scams

Model/talent searches are a terrible way to try to get into the modeling or acting business. They are expensive and yield little of value. They are scams. They are scams because MOST (almost all) of the people who attend such events receive little of any real value for their money. A few workshops, a quick walk on a runway and a "chance" to be seen by "agents" is hardly worth the many hundreds or thousands of dollars these ridiculous model/talent searches charge.

All legitimate model agencies hold open calls at their offices. Legitimate agents DO NOT CHARGE A FEE for this!!! Just call the agencies and ask about their procedures.

All legitimate talent agencies will look at the photos, résumés and videos actors send to the agency office. Legitimate agents DO NOT CHARGE A FEE for this!!!

The people who organize model/talent searches are fully aware that over 95% of those who attend will not be "chosen". They are fully aware that of those who are "chosen", only a few, if any, will actually gain any significant work on any regular basis.

The people who organize these searches take in hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees. Almost all the people who attend receive little of any value toward a professional modeling or acting career. That is the scam.

You should NEVER arrange to meet alone with someone who you do not know. A legitimate industry professional will not mind if you bring a parent, guardian, or trusted friend with you; especially upon any first meeting; regardless of your age.

The information you provide to the "professional scout" (usually someone who knows little if anything about the modeling business) at the model/talent search "open call" was likely sold to modeling schools, photographers or anyone else interested in selling services. The "scouts" are trained to get as many people to pay to attend the search as possible - whether the attendees shows any merit or not. The scouts use a lot of flattery and misleading statements to accomplish this goal.

The agents who are at the search are paid a sizable fee to attend. Many of the "agents" are not really agents. They are agent assistants or other people who have no decision making authority to actually sign an attendee. Often times, the staff of these searches and even the "agents" use the open calls and the search convention to find cute women and men to "date" (have sex with). This will not advance anyone's chances of launching a modeling career. It just makes fools out of the attendees.

The organizers usually require agents to "callback" a certain number of candidates, whether they are interested in all the candidates or not. A callback does not mean you have been "choosen" or are on your way to a career. It simply means that the "agent" wants to talk to you again. Most attendees who are called back do not ultimately receive any representation.

There are far-far better, less costly and more productive ways to get into the modeling and acting business. I suggest you head to the library or spend $20 or $30 at your local bookstore and get a book or two about the modeling and acting business so you can learn something about how things really work. It is far, far cheaper than wasting money on silly model/talent searches.

Never, never pay money upfront for anything!

Sounds simple, doesn't it. If people actually followed this simple guideline, they would save themselves thousands of dollars and put acting and modeling scammers out of business. However, it seems the allure of earning "big money" as an actor or model fogs many peoples' brains and impairs their otherwise good judgement. So I will clarify the above basic rule with some specific things to NEVER DO...

Information from the Federal Trade Commission - Consumer Advice

Modeling Scams

Could you really be a model or actor? Or maybe it’s your kids who have the right look? You might be flattered — and interested — if a talent scout says you’ve got a future in the business. But you could also be the target of a modeling scam.

Modeling Agencies vs. Modeling Schools and Programs

Modeling and talent agencies find work for experienced and aspiring models and actors. They get paid when you get paid. Some agencies will let you sign up only with them, while others will also let you register with other agencies.

Modeling schools and programs teach you skills they say you’ll need to start a modeling career, like how to do your hair and makeup, use proper diction, and walk on a runway. You’ll typically have to pay in advance to enroll.

Before you sign up with an agency or school, do some research and get details in writing about what they’ll do for you and any promises they make.

Signs of a Modeling Scam

If you’re pursuing your child’s modeling career, watch for fake talent scouts. These scammers offer to set up a photo shoot or classes to help you get modeling or acting jobs for your child.

What they don't tell you is

the market for child models and actors is very small

because a child’s looks change quickly, legitimate agents, advertising agencies, casting directors, and producers generally ask for casual snapshots, not professional photos

casting calls for the “next child star” may be real, but the ads are often a way to get parents to enroll their kids in expensive acting classes

So, whether you run into a talent scout on the street, see an ad for a modeling agency online, get a message about modeling on social media, or hear about a modeling school or program, here are ways to know you’re dealing with a scam:

Scammers tell you to pay them. Real modeling agencies won’t ask you to pay for a test shoot, for your photographs, or to “secure your spot” for a modeling job. They’ll find jobs for you and pay you after the client pays them. The contract you sign with the agency should tell you what percentage the agency gets of any money you make on assignments.

Scammers guarantee you’ll get work. Modeling assignments can be irregular even for successful models. There are never any guarantees. And depending on where you live, the market for those types of jobs may be very small.

Scammers promise big salaries. Just like modeling assignments, what models can earn is also extremely irregular. If an agency or program makes these guarantees, walk away. That's a scam.

Scammers say you have to use a specific photographer. While some agencies do have photographers they regularly work with, they shouldn’t make using their photographers a condition of your getting assignments.

Scammers rush you to sign a contract. Take time to check out a company before you give them any money or personal information. If an offer is good today, it should be good tomorrow.

Scammers brag about their success…but no one’s heard of them. Unless the agency is new, they should be able to show they’ve gotten work for models. Ask for a list of clients, models, and actors who have worked with the agency. And if the agency doesn’t have a website, that’s suspicious. Even if they do, any guarantees they make about modeling jobs or requests to pay up front still make it a scam.

How To Avoid a Modeling Scam

Research the company. Try searching online for the modeling school or agency’s name with words like “scam,” “review,” or “complaint.”

Never pay an agency up front. Any agency asking you for money to represent you is a scam.

Don’t deal with a modeling program that tells you how you have to pay. If a modeling program or school requires certain kinds of payments — cash, money order, gift cards, wire transfers through a company like MoneyGram or Western Union, or cryptocurrency — that’s a sure sign it’s only interested in your money and not your modeling career.

Don’t deal with an agency that makes you use its staff for your photo shoots or auditions. If an agency says you have to use its photographer or makeup artist, don’t work with them. An agency should let you hire your own makeup artist and photographer.

Ask if the company or school is licensed or bonded, if your state requires it. Check this information with your local consumer protection agency or your state attorney general. Make sure the license is current.

Get references. Get names and any available contact information for models and actors who have recently gotten work through the agency. Sometimes, scammy agencies have pictures on their walls or websites of successful models they didn’t actually represent. They also use names of well-known companies who have supposedly hired the models they represent, so get contact information for the companies at which the agency says its placed models and actors.

Get everything in writing. That includes spoken promises or assurances.

Keep copies of important papers. Keep your contract and other important documents in a secure place.

What To Do if You Paid a Scammer

Scammers often ask you to pay in ways that make it tough to get your money back. No matter how you paid a scammer, the sooner you act, the better. Learn more about what to do if you think you paid a scammer.

Report It to the FTC

If a modeling agency or program has taken your money and didn’t deliver on its promises, report it to the FTC at .